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Tracking Course

This tracking course complexly includes the basics of the subject and is designed in a way to give you tools for easy and organized self-improvement in this matter. The art of tracking is very complex and especially difficult to start. During this course, under the supervision of an experienced instructor, you will be able to experience the mechanisms of tracking in reality. The course is also a good solution for those, who have a basic knowledge and would like to enhance and categorize it, with reforging it into actual skills.


During the course, we will go in detail through the six disciplines of tracking:

  • Track identification – the area of knowledge and skills to determine what creature made the track. We will base that not only on the imprints on the ground but also on factors like vegetation disturbances, scratches, fur, scat, and even smell (yes, it is possible in some cases).
  • Trailing – the area of knowledge and skills that allows us to tell in which direction our object was moving. Special emphasis will be put into the skill of recognizing turns to avoid losing the trail.
  • Aging - This subject gives us tools to determine how long the track is present. We will train to assess that based on changes in soil density, color, and texture. You will also learn what other factors to take into account. Factors like weather history, current humidity, temperature, a season of the year, or climate. This skill will allow us to determine where and when to expect our object. That will greatly enhance our hunting/photographing/pursuit strategy.
  • Track interpretation – the are of knowledge and skills that enable us to determine what occurrences happen in the way of our object. When was it running, when was it jumping, when was it overcoming an obstacle, fell, snuck on prey, crawled, or other. Information like this gives us a huge insight into the overall picture of a situation.
  • Environmental tracking – The whole spectrum of aspects on how to use our prior knowledge about the geography of the terrain to predict and anticipate the movement of our object. How most likely will it attempt to cross a river, will it prefer to go through the forest or plain, from what side will it try to circumvent a lake or swamp? All that knowledge will greatly help us to locate, pick and follow the trail.
  • Basics of psychological tracking – Based on the knowledge from all previous disciplines, we will attempt to construct the basic "psychological portrait" of our object. Is it scared, confident, confused, ill, or in another mental state? This information will make our overall picture of the situation even more complete and allow us to plan even more accurately.


On top of that, you will also learn many tracking tips, tricks, and exercises, that will allow you to continue your adventure with the art of tracking in the future with success.


Also, this tracking course is at the same time a quasi anti-tracking course. Knowing all the information that you will learn during the course, you will have a lot deeper insight into how to elude your potential trackers.


After signing up for the course, we will send you materials for theoretical self-education before the course. We will also arrange the exact date of the course (It is fully flexible. It can be both weekends and weekdays).


Timeframes of the course: 10 AM – 4 PM

Place: Spring Creek Greenway forests.

We will send you the exact gathering spot after signing up for a course. We can also organize a course in any place in the United States. The only requirement is a piece of wilderness nearby. We will assess the proposed area and tell you if the course is possible there. Depending on the place, the costs of the instructor's transport should be added.


If you wish, we can also organize a course for several participants, but to ensure the quality of training, no more than five.


Required equipment: NONE! We will provide you with every accessory necessary for the successful completion of the course.


Contact us and sign up today!

    Tracking Course

    $299.00 Regular Price
    $249.00Sale Price
      • Introduction to the course, explanation of safety rules.
      • Hike to the main place of the course with stops in places vital to tracking. (tracks, fur, scat, vegetation disturbances, scratches, etc.).
      • Introduction to the basics of tracking.
      • Track identification exercises.
      • Trailing exercises.
      • Aging exercises.
      • Track interpretation exercises.
      • Theory, demonstration, and practice of environmental tracking.
      • The basic theory of psychological tracking.
      • Additional tricks and tips. A basic introduction to anti-tracking.
      • Hike back to the place of starting a course.
      • Ending of a course, handing out certificate/certificates.
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